Thursday, September 20, 2007


 I was thinking about Lennie in Of Mice and Men the other day and how much he likes to hear about the dream. He says,

"But not us, George. Tell how it is with us."

But I don't picture Lennie in my mind's eye. 
I picture myself, my face inches from yours, and my eyes are asking yours, 
"Tell me again how we met 
how much you love me already 
about the collaborations that are 
possible between us. 
Tell me how much you thought 
about me before 
Before we ever met."
Because I've been thinking about you
wanting to meet you all my life
If you can even call what I 
had before you life.
Because I'm more alive now than
I've been in years.
And for years to come, you'll
have me to take care of you
and I'll have you to take care of me.

Lennie may not be a smart man,
but he knows what love is.
But George knows what love is too
and he knows that its better to have
loved and lost than to never have
loved at all.
I lost the love I had for you
Can't find it anywhere
But then again
I'm not really looking anymore
Any more? No, I don't have any more 
to give you. 
I had apples, but I gave them
to you years ago because you said
you needed them to...I can't remember now
I don't think you ever said why.
Then you came back and you needed
more, so I gave you my leaves
My green, my youth
I gave generously and you happily 
Later still you returned after you'd already 
left me twice.
This time you took my trunk,
my middle, which made you think 
that you had my heart too.
But my heart was below ground
in the roots
I wanna make roots with you
"the code is mixed and flesh
joins to bone, like granting a wish."
You wrote that and I fell in love
with your words
They spring from your heart
and speak to mine
and maybe someday we'll watch
our collaborations grow.
And of all the things we give them
We'll be proudest of giving them 
hearts like ours.
I have to laugh because I find
myself speaking in "wes" and "ours" 
and it's effortless.
I feel so light and free
But is it because I've lost so much
It's been two months already and I feel you
picking at my stump.
I wait for rain, pray for it
because it washes filth away.
You made me feel dirty
Your seed stings which makes me 
think its poison.
You have no roots or I've never
seen your heart
It never spoke to mine
the signals crossed and met with
static, bounced back and I 
thought my love was yours
and I was happy for a time
loving myself, thinking it was you
loving me.

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